After School Art Program
Come make art with us after school!
If you are a 1st-5th grader and you love making art, come join us at Art Presence every Thursday from 3:00-4:00.
We are now offering four After School Art Clubs per year:
*Full* Winter: January 9th - March 20th
Spring: April 3rd - June 29th
Summer: July 10 - August 28
Fall: September 4th - December 18th.
Register now, as enrollment is limited to 15 students per unit. We are pleased to offer a low enrollment fee of $10 per unit. Register online today, pay in person on your first day of Art Club. See you after school!
*After School Art Club is possible thanks to generous funding from the Carpenter foundation and is supported in part by a grant from the Jackson County Cultural Coalition funded by the Oregon Cultural Trust, investing in Oregon’s arts, humanities and heritage

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