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Artist Image Deadline!

December 25, 2023 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Help us promote you and your art! Nancy Sterling and Hannah West each have different deadlines by which they need your images.

Nancy needs images for the coming month BY the 1st of the month. This is when she usually publishes the Art Presence email newsletter, so getting them to her ahead of time would be the considerate thing to do…and smart marketing if you want to get your work out there! For example, to have your image(s) included in the June newsletter, be sure to send them to Nancy before June 1.

Hannah recommends that you send original size images for publication in the Jacksonville Review and Mail Tribune. Size matters…A LOT!! Please send pictures that are a minimum 1200 pixels high at 300 pixels per inch; this size prints as approx 4″ high, so it gives the graphic designer some flexibility. Her deadline for our article each month is the 10th of the prior month. For example, for the November article, she will need to submit the article with images BY the 10th of October. Therefore, she will need you to send your images to her between the 1st and 9th of the month ahead of the show in which you will hang your work.

You should know that the first and last issue of the Jacksonville Review each year is a combined December/January issue. You should submit images for both the December and January shows.

So, please consider the first of the month—first thing in the morning—as the LATEST you can send your images for publication. Remember, you’re sending them to Nancy for the coming month’s newsletter (Ex.: March 1 for the March show) and to Hannah for the following month’s article (Ex.: March 1 for the April show). This will also enable Anne Brooke to have what she needs on hand to send to the Mail Tribune for the Tempo section. Send them in the morning for your best chance to get eyes on your art before and during the show dates!

If you miss the deadlines, please still send in your image(s). Any images that are too small for print or received after the press deadline will still be included in the exhibit announcement on the website. And you never know what else they could be used for. 😉 Send us your images!!

Nancy Sterling:

Hannah West:


December 25, 2023
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category: